Buying VS Making your own Rollers



We all love rollers right..?! They are so easy to make, so pretty, effective and convenient... and I’m about to tell you about something that plays on my mind SO much because it’s just crazy!

The cost to buy these pre-made rollers, are $20-30 a pop for a 10ml roller... but DID.YOU.KNOW... the premium starter bundle, comes with 12 x 5ml bottles of EO.

Let me break it down...

A 5ml bottle has an average of 80 drops in it... your standard baby roller has an average of 2 drops of EO in it as they are so diluted. GUYS!! QUICK MATHS.. 80 (drops) x 12 (bottles)... 960 drops. Divided by 2 (the amount of drops per roller...) that’s 480 rollers you could make from your starter bundle (yep 😬). 

Adult rollers generally have around 20 drops per roller, this obviously varies upon personal preference. SO, using the same math, from your starter bundle, you could make 48 adult rollers... sooo that’s 48 pre-made rollers for $960-$1400 OR 48 rollers of your own choice from the starter bundle for $267....PLUS a diffuser. Not to mention you can make a wide variety of different rollers for your different needs!

Here’s some of our favourite


All recipes are for 10ml roller bottles. Add the essential oils first, then fill up the rest of the bottle with your carrier oil of choice. We love v6, fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed, or even olive oil. Don’t have an essential oil listed? Leave it out! Did a drop or two extra get into the bottle? Totally fine! Got a different idea? Try it! Want to add more oils? Yeah girl, do it! This is not a perfect science. Play around. Experiment. Have fun.

Breathe | 10 drops RC, 10 drops Peppermint, 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Copaiba

Head + Muscle Soother | 20 drops Panway, 20 drops Peppermint, 10 drops Copaiba

Sleep | 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Stress Away

Sleep 2 | 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Peace + Calming

Focus | 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Copaiba, 10 Drops Lavender, 10 drops Cedarwood

Wellness Keeper | 15 drops Thieves, 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Lemon, 10 drops RC

Seasonal Support | 15 drops Lemon, 15 drops Lavender, 15 drops Peppermint

Tummy | 15 drops DiGize, 10 drops Peppermint

Energy | 10 drops Peppermint, 10 drops Lemon

Mellow Mix (5ml) | 17 drops Lavender, 12 drops Valor, 10 drops Stress Away, 5 drops Patchouli, 5 drops Vetiver


Always dilute when applying oils on the littles. Applying oils on the feet to infants and children is a good place to start, slowly increasing to other areas on the body. There are no hard and fast rules for dilution. Use your mama judgement! I’ve been using these on my babe since she was born. Feel free to adjust dilution based on your comfort level and baby’s age. Make your own:

Kid’s Sleep | 5 drops Lavender, 5 drops Peace + Calming

Kid’s Wellness Keeper | 3 drops Thieves, 2 drops Lemon, 2 drops Frankincense, 2 drops RC (optional)

Kid’s Seasonal Support | 7 drops Lemon, 7 drops Lavender, 3 drops Peppermint (optional)

Kid’s Tummy | 5 drops Digize, 5 drops Peppermint (optional)

Itchy Skin | 5 drops Melrose, 5 drops Lavender, 5 drops Frankincense. Fill the rest of roller with jojoba oil. Layer Rose Ointment on top

Fav Kids emotional support Rollers for everyday use:

Toddler Roll-On | 5 drops EndoFlex, 5 drops Grounding (Peace + Calming is also a great option), 5 drops Sacred Mountain Top 10 ml roller bottle with V-6 or another organic carrier oil!

Teenage Boys | 5 drops EndoFlex, 5 drops Mister, 5 drops Sacred Mountain Top 10 ml roller bottle with V-6 or another organic carrier oil

Teenage Girls | 5 drops EndoFlex, 5 drops Harmony, 5 drops Sacred Mountain Top 10 ml roller bottle with V-6 or another organic carrier oil

businessNaomi Wells