
What are Essential Oils?

An essential oil is actually a highly concentrated plant component, rather than an oil. They can be distilled from various parts of a plant, including leaves, flowers, fruits, woods and seeds. 

Within 22 seconds of applying the oils, the molecules have reached our brain.  Within 2 minutes the molecules can be found in our bloodstream and within 20 minutes of applying oils they can be found in every cell of our body.

Mother Nature provides us with the resources to heal our bodies and minds naturally. Plants have the ability to improve and maintain our good health and wellbeing without the use of harmful chemicals making it friendly to use on our bodies and our environment. The list of remedies essential oils provide is endless. 

Essential oils do no disturb the body's natural balance, and can stimulate the secretion of antibodies, neurotransmitters, endorphins, hormones and enzymes. When used correctly, the molecules in the oils mimic the molecules your body uses for repair and regeneration. 


How to use them


Diffuse, directly inhale, or add to hot water to experience the aromatic benefits of essential oils.


Many oils can be used either diluted with a carrier oil or undiluted onto the skin.  Each oil has specific instructions for dilution and suitability for topical use, so always follow the instructions on each oil’s individual label.

Some essential oils can be used as a flavouring to your favourite recipes and beverages.  Only use the essential oils that have been indicated as suitable for flavouring.


Why Young Living?

Plain and simple - not all oils are created equally.

Unfortunately, some essential oils are laced with synthetics or watered down, meaning that you may not get the experience you are hoping for.

One of the main reasons I started using essential oils was because I wanted to reduce my families toxic load and create a low tox home. Essential oils can assist in doing this in so many ways. However, not all are made equally and this is super important to note.

Consider this: essential oils are rich in molecules that help carry oxygen, nutrients, and other substances through the cell membranes. Combine essential oils with impure or toxic substances, and they will take those poisons right into every cell of your body. YIKES!

So as you can see, cheaper oils aren’t the answer. Young Living essential oils contain 100% essential oils with no fillers, fragrances, synthetics or chemicals. For nearly 30 years, Young Living have set the industry standard for delivering the highest quality essential oils on earth. Young Living Founder D. Gary Young developed our five-step Seed to Seal® sourcing standards, insisting on premium quality at every stage. We audit every supplier to make sure they comply with our rigorous criteria and maintain our exacting methods throughout every stage of the process

Quote from our former CEO: “It costs us around $12,000 per acre to weed our Mona, Utah lavender fields by hand, using manual labor. Do you know how much “weeding” costs other companies? $60.00 per acre. Spraying cheap (and toxic) herbicides is faster and much cheaper." -Jared Turner